Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Bear with me
Please bear with me as I get everything up and runing. The poll at Bits and Bobs will be closed tonight or this afternoon depending on when I get to it. And based on those votes we will begin organizing the Newsletter format for the blog. I will be opening up a database for members to sign up to help run the blog. Until then please be patient with me and forgive the limited posts for the time being. I promise once everything is worked out it will be great!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Into the Fray is up and running!
The new fiber arts discussion board "Into the Fray" is now up and running, soooo lets get some members in there and start some threads! I have a few intros to get you up and running. This discussion board is for all fiber arts, and there are sections for each. Check it out! And make sure to bookmark it so you can find it again!
It is pretty bare bones right now, but you know me, I will be tweaking it and adding more as we go along. If there is a lot of interest I may eventually upgrade.
Have fun in there!
It is pretty bare bones right now, but you know me, I will be tweaking it and adding more as we go along. If there is a lot of interest I may eventually upgrade.
Have fun in there!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Knit 1 blog Too Net Ring Temporarily Closed to New Members
I am planning on adding our frinedly little blog to the Knit1BlogToo Ring as soon as possible. However it has been temporarily closed to new members until November. So we really don't have too long to wait. Jsut as soon as they open membership again I will get our blog on there.
Related news. I am considering opening a knitting forum for members of all of my groups. It would be a simple basic forum for web reading only. It would have areas designated for each group to chat in (you can meet people in other groups as well) and there would be sub topics that you can post and chat in. This would help cut down on the extra email in our groups. What do you think? Does it sound like something you would be interested in? In the forum you would be able to post pics IN the thread of your work, and other fun stuff. It would be similar to the yahoo groups but expanded and simpler to use. Also it would cut down on the chit chat emails. Which I don't mind, but for those on digest, or web only it can be trying to muddle through all of the extra stuff.
Related news. I am considering opening a knitting forum for members of all of my groups. It would be a simple basic forum for web reading only. It would have areas designated for each group to chat in (you can meet people in other groups as well) and there would be sub topics that you can post and chat in. This would help cut down on the extra email in our groups. What do you think? Does it sound like something you would be interested in? In the forum you would be able to post pics IN the thread of your work, and other fun stuff. It would be similar to the yahoo groups but expanded and simpler to use. Also it would cut down on the chit chat emails. Which I don't mind, but for those on digest, or web only it can be trying to muddle through all of the extra stuff.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Update from Karen!!!!
I've heard from Karen! She has had no news on her cancer and that is a great thing! So far there is no new growth. WOOOHOOO!! She has caught a cold or flu or some type of bug that is bent on world domination ( as it seems as though everyone has the same thing) so she isn't feeling well. She has been keeping up with the groups though and she loves everything that she has seen. Hear that Cathy? We aren't screw ups after all!! LOL! She has been knitting, but she has been keeping her projects simple. Instant gratification. Oh how I love thee! lol!
This one's for you Karen!
This one's for you Karen!

Bits and Bobs UNRAVELED!
For those members who are already a part of Ravelry, I wanted to let you know that we are there too!
Bits and Bobs UnRaveled
We are booming! We already have over 103 members! I am so happy to see how the group is growing over there! So lets get it moving along and start posting! Don't forget to add your intro post to the Intro thread! We love our members and want to get to know you all better. Tell us a little about yourselves so that we know what types of projects are of interest to you!
Don't Forget to check out the KAL thread, in there will be all pertinent information for the UnRaveled KALs. Materials lists, rows, everything KAL related will be posted in there first. All KAL information will also be posted to the blog from all 3 groups, Bits and Bobs, Bits and Bobs 2 Special Projects, and Bits and Bobs UnRaveled.
Also for those on Ravelry, be sure to post your fishie progress in the Fishies thread!
Bits and Bobs UnRaveled
We are booming! We already have over 103 members! I am so happy to see how the group is growing over there! So lets get it moving along and start posting! Don't forget to add your intro post to the Intro thread! We love our members and want to get to know you all better. Tell us a little about yourselves so that we know what types of projects are of interest to you!
Don't Forget to check out the KAL thread, in there will be all pertinent information for the UnRaveled KALs. Materials lists, rows, everything KAL related will be posted in there first. All KAL information will also be posted to the blog from all 3 groups, Bits and Bobs, Bits and Bobs 2 Special Projects, and Bits and Bobs UnRaveled.
Also for those on Ravelry, be sure to post your fishie progress in the Fishies thread!
Working on the Page, B&B News
Still working on ideas, and if any of you visit my personal blog at all you probably know that this site will continue to grow and evolve as we go. I love adding fun little interactive things that you can play with, so keep your eyes open for new features as I work on this.
I hope to add fun polls, and snapshots, as well as music that will be changed out intermittently. I will be setting up a database for those who wish to contribute to the blog. It will be run similar to a newspaper and you can be the reporters!
Each person will be assigned an area to cover. For example Cathy(if she were to choose to do so) could be assigned the Quilting section. Meaning that it would be her responsibility to post the quilt stitch of the day, pattern of the day, and fabric of the day. The Sections that are getting more feedback such as knitting and crochet will receive more in depth coverage, and therefore one member will be assigned to certain areas of the broader topic. For Example under knitting we would have a team of "reporters" that would each cover their own area. One would be assigned knit pattern of the day. This person would post a link to the pattern with a description of it, and a brief review of the difficulty level and quality level of the pattern. And any personal opinions of it as well. The reporters will be given a description of their duties with their assignments so you will not be running blind here.
More to come!
I hope to add fun polls, and snapshots, as well as music that will be changed out intermittently. I will be setting up a database for those who wish to contribute to the blog. It will be run similar to a newspaper and you can be the reporters!
Each person will be assigned an area to cover. For example Cathy(if she were to choose to do so) could be assigned the Quilting section. Meaning that it would be her responsibility to post the quilt stitch of the day, pattern of the day, and fabric of the day. The Sections that are getting more feedback such as knitting and crochet will receive more in depth coverage, and therefore one member will be assigned to certain areas of the broader topic. For Example under knitting we would have a team of "reporters" that would each cover their own area. One would be assigned knit pattern of the day. This person would post a link to the pattern with a description of it, and a brief review of the difficulty level and quality level of the pattern. And any personal opinions of it as well. The reporters will be given a description of their duties with their assignments so you will not be running blind here.
More to come!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I will be contacting Cathy to see what she thinks about setting up regular forum times once a month or so. These will be regular times when both she and I or at least one of us will be visiting the blog to help you out in the chat box with any questions you would like answered, or even walk throughs of stitches. We might even set aside certain times to explain the stitch of the week, month whatever. Just a general time for everyone to meet up here and chitchat in real time, and not have to send a bazillion emails.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Welcome Bobbers!
Welcome all bobbers! We are so happy to have you here! This will be the place to look for all KAL info and any new news! If you are only interested in the fiber arts related materials, and want less chitchat this is the place to look! This will be our place to post news, and all things fiber related. All KAL rows will be posted here as well as on the group, so if you fall behind just check out our blog!
I can't wait to see how this works out!!!
List Mom
I can't wait to see how this works out!!!
List Mom
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